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Giving families the gift of a cat’s love

Mike Bouley with cat

Charles Dickens said, “There’s no greater gift than the love of a cat.” It’s sentiment that AHS volunteer and Legacy Circle member Mike Bouley would have agreed with. As a cat adoption volunteer with Animal Humane Society, he helped countless families find that gift.

Mike was so passionate about helping animals that he decided to include a gift to AHS in his will and ensure that he would be able to help cats in need get a second chance as a part of his legacy.

When Mike retired from a career in teaching, he nurtured his love of animals by volunteering at AHS. Although he’d grown up with dogs, Mike found an unexpected fondness for cats later in life and decided to volunteer in cat adoption. In his eight years of volunteering, Mike helped cats and kittens find loving new families and even fostered a few in his own home as well.

Mike loved to share cat stories with other animal lovers, but two stood out as his favorites:

Kitten Crossing

While biking with a friend, Mike found a 2-month-old kitten on their path. He jumped into action and found an empty case to put the kitten in. Then, he brought the little orange tabby to AHS. The kitten’s leg was injured, but Mike knew it would receive the care it needed at AHS. He rejoiced when he saw the same orange tabby adopted a week later.

Cat Nap

Once, while fostering a litter of kittens, Mike thought he had lost one of the kittens. Overcome with worry, he spent all afternoon with neighbors searching for the kitten and even called the police! He returned from searching for the lost feline feeling defeated and sad—that’s when he saw the tiny kitten snuggled up in his sock drawer fast asleep. He rushed to the kitten’s side and was greeted with a look of annoyance for bothering the kitten’s nap.

Mike passed away on July 6, 2019. His entertaining stories, sharp wit and huge heart will live on in the animals he helped and the people whose lives he touched. His legacy of caring for animals will continue on through the planned gift he left to AHS in his will, ensuring we can continue to create a more humane world for animals.

His friends at Animal Humane Society and former students loved him dearly. He will be missed by his friends and family.

Create your AHS legacy

To learn how you can ensure your support for Animal Humane Society and our important work continues, even after your lifetime, contact Alison Schneider at or 763-432-4809.