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The Pattens Got Organized—And Felt Relieved Once It Was Done


Jerry and Lois Patten

Over the last 30 years, Jerry and Lois Patten have provided a loving home to dogs in need of a second chance—eleven of them in all and even one puppy. Often the dogs had issues that required patience and dedication that the Pattens were uniquely able to provide. The result has been a lifetime of joy from seeing first-hand the change in their dogs as they became healthy and happy in their new home.

The Pattens have always believed in the work we do at AHS and have been faithful annual donors. A few years ago, they realized that their financial situation had changed and they had not updated their plans to provide for the people and causes they care about. "We got organized," Jerry explains, "and felt relieved once it was done." Today they feel very connected to AHS. In addition to their annual giving, they became members of the Legacy Circle by making a provision for AHS in their will. Jerry volunteers by walking dogs at the Woodbury shelter and is always happy to see them get adopted. AHS alumna Abbey, a Scottie, thanks the Pattens every day for the new home she has with them and their retired show-dog, a Westie named Daisy. AHS is grateful, too, for the many ways the Pattens have provided help and support for the animals.